Molière’s Blows: Dramatised Readings

concept Nuno M Cardoso

Molière’s Blows: Dramatised Readings


In these three-hour sessions, held in a rehearsal room of the Theatre or in the School premises, primary and secondary education students will dramatise a theatre play or some other text from their syllabus or the National Reading Plan. Ana Luísa Amaral’s Como Tu (1st grade), Luísa Ducla Soares’ O Soldado João (2nd grade), Hans Christian Andersen’s O Fato Novo do Sultão (3rd grade), António Torrado’s Teatro às Três Pancadas (4th grade), José Saramago’s A Maior Flor do Mundo (4th grade), Ilse Llosa’s O Príncipe Nabo (5th grade), Manuel António Pina’s Os Piratas and Afonso Cruz’s A Cruzada das Crianças (6th grade), António Gedeão’s Breve História da Lua and José Saramago’s O Conto da Ilha Desconhecida (8th grade), Gil Vicente’s A Farsa de Inês Pereira (10th grade), Almeida Garrett’s Frei Luís de Sousa and Eça de Queirós’ Os Maias (11th grade), José Saramago’s O Ano da Morte de Ricardo Reis and Memorial do Convento (12th grade), Luís de Camões’ Os Lusíadas and other of his works are some of the texts available for dramatisation.


concept Nuno M Cardoso

guidance Educational Centre trainers target students in primary and secondary education number of participants a class

location TeCA rehearsal room, Primary schools from Porto

duration 3 hours tue-thu 10:00-13:00 + 14:30-17:30

registration here | 1,00 €/student