Teatro Carlos Alberto

Orality and Communication: Body-Voice in Action

concept and guidance Teatro do Frio (Rosário Costa, Susana Madeira)

Orality and Communication: Body-Voice in Action


This workshop explores the voice as a primordial tool for communication – a mechanism we employ to express what we feel even before we can use words. By combining it with language, we materialise ideas, stories and concepts. Through rhythm, intent and articulation, we connect it to the body, as well as to space and context, and explore its communicative nuances.

Accredited by the Guilhermina Suggia Training Centre’s Scientific and Pedagogic Council for Continual Training.


concept and guidance Teatro do Frio (Rosário Costa, Susana Madeira)

target audience teachers of all learning levels and categories

number of participants 20

duration 13 hours registration free here (financed by POCH – Human Capital Operational Program)


Teatro Carlos Alberto

Rua das Oliveiras 43, 4050-157 Porto, Portugal · Google Maps · Apple Maps · OpenStreetMap
· sáb · 10:00
· sáb · 10:00